Today, Maddie and Camden both had wellness check ups with Dr Ross. Maddie weighs 32.8 pounds (50th %tile), and is 37.25 inches tall (75th %tile). She is doing very well and will not have to see him again for a check up for a year!
Camden is 18 pounds 13 ounces (8.56 kg) which is 10th %tile, but we a re now on the growth curve!! he is 28 inches long or 25th %tile, and on that growth curve also!! Dr Ross feels that he has caught up on his weight and is doing really well!
We discussed eating and how well he is doing with cereals, yogurt etc... and will need to discuss with Boston about formula amounts and if we should be pushing the formula or foods.
So things over all are still progressing well and we will see Dr Ross again in October for his 12 month visit!