Sunday, March 30, 2008

So Many Friends!!

Camden is just progressing on his feeds by mouth by leaps and bounds!! He is already tolerating 6 to 7 ounces every 3 hours or so during the day! He even is starting to enjoy cereal each morning and in the afternoon as a snack, when he isn't busy getting attention from Nana and Grampy!! They have been a huge help with both kids and I may not let Jack go back to Florida... Camden eats best when Grampy feeds him.

Last Monday night was the broomball benefit for Camden. It was some of the funniest action I have seen on ice ever! The third watch team actually managed to beat the women's hockey team, but I think the boys were the most beat up! We had a great time. THANKS to all the players, sponsers, and everyone who was there! It really is nice to know so many people care about us and this little man!

Today was Camden's baby shower at Christina's in Brewer. It was nice to be able to take Camden to the party so everyone could see and hold him. THANKS to everyone for a great afternoon, and all the fine gifts!

Camden had his appointment with Dr Ross on Thursday and his weight was 15.7 pounds (7.12kg). Things are progressing to the point we may soon no longer need to visit him weekly, although we love Dr Ross! Are we making our way to a more normal life? What was that like?? I don't think I remember what life was like prior to all the doctor visits and hospitals, starting last September!?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was no problem today! You and Camden are well worth it. You know you can count on mom and I for anything. Thats what family and friends are for. I hope that you got enough to eat and that all your family had a good time too. I hope that maybe that won't be the last time you'll come over. I'm glad you had a good time. Hope to see you soon. Love ya!