Camden is having another one of those miraculous days of progress. Besides continuing to poop with almost every diaper (that's my boy!!), he started to receive Pedialyte through his J-tube this morning. After short gut rounds, the surgeons stopped in to his room and checked on him and us. They planned to start him on formula this weekend, then we reminded them of the stash of breast milk in our freezer that we transported to Boston. They were delighted to learn that, and at 2:55 today, Camden began "eating"!! He receives 2 cc's of breast milk every hour and so far has been tolerating it well. If all goes well, they will increase the rate each day or so.
WBZ, a Boston news channel was also in the hospital today, filming families for their Day of Giving on Dec. 20th. All four of us were luck enough to be filmed in the play room for footage. We will have to watch to see if we make it through editing!
I realize that not every day from here on out will be big days like this week, but it is nice to feel progress towards going home one day soon!
Oh my goodness. What a wonderful picture, but even better is the news that he is getting Mommy's milk. What a great feeling that must be for you all. But. . . I want the world to know what Miss Madison told her Nana tonight. While talking to her on the phone, she decided she did not want to hold the phone any more. So . . .
she sat the phone in an empty chair and said, "Now sit right there, Nana!" Of course, I still think her answer to my question at Nancy and Flo's house about where did the bread go (meaning where should I put Madison's raisin bread) and she said, "Under the peanut butter, Nana." Her favorite breakfast is one slice of raisin bread loaded with p.b. - not toasted. Then she may proceed to eating 2 or 3!!!
Camden, we are proud that you are such a good fighter. You keep it up and they will send you back to Maine in no time!!!!
We love you each and every one, Nana and Grampy
That is great news that things are moving through.
Make sure to ask for the hospital strength diaper rash cream to keep his bum happy.
All of the poop can make a short gut bum really sore and a round of Critic-Aid, powder and Nystatin will keep the rash at bay.
The nurses have good stuff that makes Desitin look silly.
Good to see Camden recovering so well.
Good Morning!
It was good to "see" you last night on video at Mark and Margie's house. And I love the picture of the 4 of you here on the blog. We can't wait to see you all this weekend!
Gee, I know it is the color of the photo - but looks like Andy has the same skin tone as Camden.
Aunties Flo & Nancy
We're all excited to hear the big news over here in Deutschland too! And soooo wonderful that Camden can get Mommy's milk!! It's got to feel good that your hard work will go to helping little Camden grow!
Love to you all!!
-Auntie Jana
WOW how things can change when you get cleaned out to make room for more of the GOOD STUFF,"MOM`s milk.
Thanks-Thanks-Thanks for the beautifl family picture, you all look so happy. Keep them coming.
We send sooooo much love your way and continue to keep you all in our prayers.
Love you all
Aunt Eunice
Dear Camden,
Keep up the good work!
With Love,
The Grindles
Great to hear from you again Andy - You and your family is in our minds and prayers. So happy to hear the great news.
VB & J (baack home..)
Yeah for Poop! It was great to see you all yesterday, and Camden looks great. The feeding thing can be frustrating, we call it the "short gut cha cha", some days you take two steps forward and then some days you take two steps back and some days you just dance in place.
Just listen to that little voice in your head. You will be much better at knowing how he is doing and how he is tolerating his feeds, much better than the doctors will ever be.
Congrats guys, he looks great!
Abby, Gib and Ellie
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